DLP 212 Vinyl acetate/Ethylene- Copolimer It is a general purpose powder polymer. It is recommended for applications which require elasticity (especially heat isolation and flex adhesives). Liquefiable latex powder polymer that provides excellent adhesion strength, impact, rupture and abrasion resistance on different and difficult surfaces in cement-based adhesives and thermal insulation plaster systems for general use.
DLP 2140 Vinyl acetate/Ethylene- Copolimer It is recommended for applications which require high hydrophobicity. Liquefiable latex powder polymer that provides excellent adhesion strength, water repellency and impact, rupture and abrasion resistance on difficult surfaces in cement-based thermal insulation plaster, repair mortar, joint filling systems.
DLP 2050 Vinyl acetate/Ethylene- Copolimer It is recommended for self-levelling flooring compounds based on cement

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